Sunday, July 5, 2009


Yesterday, our source for hard-hitting news, TMZ, reported that Gary Coleman's wife, Shannon Price, was arrested for "domestic violence" and "disorderly conduct." 
After locking Coleman out of their house, Price had quite the tantrum and ravaged their bedroom. No word whether their insurance covers Gary's Fisher Price play set. When the police stepped in, the classy Price blew her carrot top and threw a few f-bombs at them ("fucker") as well as her hubby, blaming his treatment of her for the outburst. 
See, this is the sort of news that gives little people a bad name. 

People like Coleman need to stop milking the freak show act that midgets have been known for since Ringling days. At least that former Oompa Loompa is going for versatility in Hollywood, what with his recent appearance in Transformers 2 (even if the movie was a big joke). Or look at Peter don't see him on Divorce Court or parodying himself as a washed-up actor-turned-security guard. Like I mentioned before, small but venerable: 


Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Perhaps as a sartorial paean to the golden years of Wallstreet (maybe more irony), Chuck Bass, Ed Westwick's character on Gossip Girl, dons some very familiar getup: blue dress shirt with cuff links, blood-red suspenders, and grey pinstripe trousers. Yes, Ed does a dandy homage to American Psycho's Patrick Bateman. 

It's a look I tried to pull off last Halloween (with a fake knife, even) and only the well-watched director Quark Henares got it. Hard for a short man to pull off Pat Bateman without looking like Joe Pesci in Goodfellas. Obviously, Ed carries it way better.